
Showing posts from March, 2018

Three blogging tips for today

Today, I'd like to share with you three of my favorite blogging tips. Blogging Tip #1 Add keywords into your URL. If your blogging platform uses something like ( Change it to ( Using a ULR with the keywords is more SEO friendly, not to mention that your reader will have an easier time remembering your URL. Blogging Tip #2 Image names. Don't use an image name like, DZOZN2.jpg. Add one of your keywords in the image name. Again, this make the image more SEO friendly. Blogging Tip #3 Be yourself. Don't try to write in a voice that is not yours. Your readers will find out. When you write, don't write for the Google bots. Write in your own voice. Don't stuff your post with keywords. Add a couple keywords and maybe a long tail keyword into your blog post. But make sure that your post is readable and easily understood. Otherwise your reader will move on. Just be yourself when you write. Be su

An Introduction

Blogging It seems like everyone is doing it. There are blogs about beauty. Blogs about fitness. Blogs about travel. Lifestyle blogs, food blogs, pet blogs, there are even blogs about blogs!! If you've been thinking about blogging and have wondered how to start a blog, then I suggest you keep coming back. I'll drop you some helpful blogging tips in every post!! There are two ways to have a blog. You can get one of the free sites such as and Or you can purchase your own domain and start your blog there. Much like I have done at . The choice is yours. Since I'm not doing this to just "test the waters," I decided to jump all in and start blogging. I bought my own domain, loaded WordPress, and haven't looked back. That was five years ago. I enjoy writing and helping other bloggers get unstuck. On my main website , I blog two to three time a week. Sunday is my regular blog posting day. Sunday's post covers one to