An Introduction

It seems like everyone is doing it.
There are blogs about beauty. Blogs about fitness. Blogs about travel. Lifestyle blogs, food blogs, pet blogs, there are even blogs about blogs!!
If you've been thinking about blogging and have wondered how to start a blog, then I suggest you keep coming back. I'll drop you some helpful blogging tips in every post!!
There are two ways to have a blog. You can get one of the free sites such as and
Or you can purchase your own domain and start your blog there. Much like I have done at
The choice is yours. Since I'm not doing this to just "test the waters," I decided to jump all in and start blogging. I bought my own domain, loaded WordPress, and haven't looked back. That was five years ago.
I enjoy writing and helping other bloggers get unstuck. On my main website, I blog two to three time a week.
Sunday is my regular blog posting day. Sunday's post covers one topic such as SEO blogging tips or different content types you can use in your blog.
Every other Tuesday or so, I release a post called Tuesday's Tip. In this post I give you a quick tip that you can start using today. My last post was about how you can keep your blog going while you are on vacation.
Every Friday I release a Featured Writer Friday post. In these posts, I  introduce you to a new writer and their blog. I ask them questions about their blog, such as what got them started writing their blog, what’s working for them, and what tools they are using. It's kind of like a written podcast.
That's all for today. Come back every week. Next I give you some helpful tips on using keywords in your blog post.
Until next time. Keep you pens to the paper and keep writing.
You can find more information at my website and be sure to follow me on Twitter.


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